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Style Other / Ref.15047

Armand POINT, Preparatory drawing for the painting Young Woman with the Green Toque, 1905

Width: 20'' ⅛  51cm
Height: 24''   61cm
Inner width: 15'' ¾  40cm
Inner height: 19'' ¼  49cm

France, 20th century

This portrait of a woman in red chalk was executed by Armand Point in 1905.

A lover of Italy from 1893 onwards, Armand Point (1861-1932) was notably influenced by the Florentine Primitives and the masters of the Italian Renaissance.

This work is a testament to that influence. It is the preparatory drawing for one of his paintings, Young Woman with the Green Toque. The model is the artist’s second wife, Helga Weeke, with whom he traveled to Venice for the second time in 1905.

In the background, one can distinguish a campanile, perhaps that of the Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, and the silhouette of a Venetian palace with precisely described architecture, behind the canal where a canoe is navigating. On the right, a garden adorned with a fountain.

The softness of the woman’s features and the serenity of her expression echo another red chalk drawing of Helga, characterized by its pronounced sensuality.

Price: on request

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