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Style Louis XVI / Ref.1530

Louis XVI style Oak and Stucco paneled room


Height: 126''   320cm

19th century, from Belgium

In good condition.

Antique oak paneled room in the Louis XVI style. A three door passageway, crowned with a glass transom is adorned with a central oeil-de-boeuf window. The glass panes are set against curved wooden frames, featuring a large lattice design upon which a wooden carved garland of foliage is draped. A frieze of interlacing foliage rests between the transom and the doors. Each of the three door panels are adorned with three rectangular moldings, the one in the center, below the door knob, presenting a frieze of foliage enhanced with gilding. The bronze doorknob and back plate are remarkable. A double door is equally crowned by a similar transom and carved frieze. But however the doors are not the same. They are glass above and paneled below. A single door is decorated just like the large one. The lower parts of all the walls in the room are paneled. Each panel has a rectangular design with small gilded stucco mascarons in the corners, and is separated by filleted pilasters. There is also a radiator screen decorated in the same fashion.

The mantel in this room is item #1529. See pictures for detailed measurements.